Catholic Life at St. Peter's SchoolOur Mission
Our Values and Ethos
St. Peter’s is a Catholic school, and our Mission is that we put Jesus at the heart of everything that we do. Our Catholic ethos sets our school apart from our friends in non-Catholic schools, primarily because we allow the Gospel Values of the faith to flow through each aspect of the education we provide for our children. Whilst our school is not exclusively for Catholic children, many families choose to educate their children within the Catholic School system because of the distinctive nature of the schools; the way Catholic schools promote values and because of the role the school plays in supporting parents in raising their children in the Catholic faith
Catholic Schools exist for four main reasons:
- to make Christ known to all people
- to assist parents as the primary educators of their children, (in the education and religious formation of their children)
- to be at the service of the local church
- to be a service to society.
At St. Peter’s we endeavour to meet the needs of our children, families and community.
Parish and Community
We are proud to be part of the family of Catholic Churches in Leamington Spa.

Our Curriculum
Religious Education
At St. Peter’s school, we plan and teach our RE lessons using the Birmingham Catholic Diocese Syllabus ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’. This is a selection of documents aimed at each year group in the school, which covers all of the aspects of our Catholic faith curriculum. The work we do in RE also covers other faiths and children are encouraged to celebrate faiths that are different to their own, as well as share their own faiths and beliefs. We dedicate 10% of our teaching time to directly teaching RE each week.
Prayer at St. Peter’s
Collective Worship
We enjoy daily collective worship at St. Peter’s. As well as regular prayers, we also have the following worship sessions as classes or as a school, where we reflect, think and pray:
Monday – The Word of the Lord – We hear the Gospel from next week’s Mass and think about what Jesus is telling us through the Holy text.
Tuesday- Jesus Teaches us – We look at the values and virtues that Jesus taught us and think about how we can apply them to our lives.
Wednesday – Songs of Praise – We sing praise to God
Thursday – Class Collective Worship
Friday – Thank You God! – We thank God for all of the best bits of our week.
We also celebrate Mass, have prayer services, Confession, Sacraments, and reflect at special times of the year.
Prayer at St. Peter’s
Learning and Growing as Children of God
Reception Prayers
Click here to read the prayers that we teach our Reception children.
Year 1 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 1 children.
Year 2 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 2 children.
Year 3 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 3 children.
Year 4 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 4 children.
Year 5 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 5 children.
Year 6 Prayers
Click Here to read the prayers that we teach our Year 6 children.
St. Peter's Catholic Primary School
St. Peter's Catholic Primary School
Our Catholic Community
The Archdiocese of Birmingham
Trinity High School
Archdiocese of Birmingham Education Service